Расстояние - перевод М. Цветаевой

Marina Tsvetaeva

Dis- tance: versts and miles...
We were dis- set and dis- piled
For purpose to grow still
In two parts of earth - the real.

Dis- tance: versts and expanses...
We were dis- soldered, dis- pasted,
Were crucified in two hands,
Though alloy, to different ends.

Though alloy of inspiration,
Unawared, they broke tendons.
Walls and ditch were the border for us,
To the eagles, the plotters - at once.    

Dis- tance: versts and expanses...
Was not trouble, but loss of presence.
Like the orphans in slums of the earth
We were shoved merciless off.

Yet again, how much - at march ?!
As the pack of cards - scattered such.

24 march 1925
Рас - стояние: версты, мили...
Нас рас - ставили, рас - садили,
Чтобы тихо себя вели
По двум разным концам земли.

Рас - стояние: версты, дали...
Нас расклеили, распаяли,
В две руки развели, распяв,
И не знали, что это - сплав

Вдохновений и сухожилий...
Не рассорили - рассорили,
             Стена да ров.
Расселили нас как орлов-

Заговорщиков: версты, дали...
Не расстроили - растеряли.
По трущобам земных широт
Рассовали нас как сирот.

Который уж, ну который - март?!
Разбили нас - как колоду карт!

24 марта 1925
см. также
To B. Pasternak
MArina Tsvetaeva (Андрей Кнеллер)

Dis-tances: miles, versts…
They dis-pelled us until we dis-persed,
So we would act as we were told
In two corners of the world.

Dis-tances: versts, spaces…
They dislocated us, they displaced us,
They disjoint us, crucified on display,
And observed there, to their dismay,

How ideas and sinew soldered
Without discord, - just in disorder,

Disconnected by a wall and a dike.
They disbanded us like

Eagles-conspirators: versts, spaces…
We’re not disunited, - they disengaged us.
Across the slums of the globe’s range
Like orphans, we’re disarranged.

For how many Marches, have our hearts
Been cut like a deck of cards?!

Б. Пастернаку
