I think I might need a drink...

I think I might need a drink
Though I’d rather not drink alone.
I’m ready to give her a ring
Though she never picks up her phone.
I’m ready to tie the knot -
The rope on my neck doesn’t faze me.
She loves me? She loves me not?
I torture flies when I can’t find daisies.

Could you please slow dowm your lope?
I can hardly keep up with your fantasies.
Do you need a drink or a rope?
Don't kill flies let alone the daisies!

Павел Морозов Украина   29.04.2010 00:56     Заявить о нарушении
Daisies and Fantasies don't quite rhyme, -
Perhaps you should try a little harder next time.
As far as the drink, the ring and the rope -
There's double word play... You understood it. I hope.

Андрей Кнеллер   29.04.2010 06:07   Заявить о нарушении
Да Вы, оказывается, реппер, Андрей

Павел Морозов Украина   07.05.2010 02:08   Заявить о нарушении