I ve lost

How can I just believe in something,
If I have absolutely lost my faith?
Your kiss was point of deception,
Your remedy was smile on your face.   

As fast as one can blink his eyelids,
You disappeared, fused like morning mist.
It’s either you, who never wanted to be near,
Or me, who was trying to hold the future in the fist.   

No matter, game is lost, the clip is empty,
There’s no more chance and willingness to play,
And no one seems to be a little better
And no reasonable comeback way.   

A game of love assumes no sorrow
If it’s played in fair way for two,
Like, for example, “Me and You”,
And nothing else to give or borrow.   

And when you play – the two of hearts
Is beaten with a fancy joker.
But this is life, it’s not the poker,
The stake is two of broken hearts.   

And yet I’ve lost…
