В. Маяковский. Маруся отравилась in English

The moon got out of clouds,
So shine and very young.
Marus’ka took a poison.
She’s carried to the ward.

Not far than month or two ago
Marus’ka liked a guy.
He parts his hair in middle
And makes a moustache-dye.

He was mechanic Vanya,
But like a Parisian
He called himself by title
“Electrotechnique Jan”.

He told her very frequent
The same latitude thing:
“The keeping one’s virginity
Is hidebound way to think”.

So, they became intimate,
But then Jan frowned his nose.
He found that pretty Lyalya
Has nicer body-cloth.

He told to poor Marusya
As inborn gentleman:
“To marry means to captive.
It’s hidebound way, so then”.

He leaved her in…exactly
In fifteen days of use.
For reason that she had no
Enameled leather shoes.

The shoes are paid by money,
But how you should to earn?
Marusya bought a poison
For one five-kopecks coin.

So, here is end of short life.
In her bright crimson shawl
After she took the poison
Marusya sleeps in tomb.

The ugly wind is cowling.
In harmony with wind
They designate a lecture
On moral rules decline.
