Бродит где-то... Wanders somewhere...

На закрытых дверях - этикетка корявая:
этикетом убита, унижена грешностью,
бродит где-то Любовь, как Весна кудрявая,
будоражит нам кровь, окрыляет вечностью...

Убегает во-след, свет завидев, в истерике,
беспокойно спешит, утешаясь поспешностью,
как суровый гранит, исчезает ветренно,
в сердце ревность хранит, умывается честностью...

Слов игра - сарафанное громкое радио,
исчезает блаженство - в поруганной проруби,
отрывает от сердца, теплом нежным радует,
открывает врата - вихрем радости пройденой...

Wanders somewhere...

At the closed doors... is a short curve label : 
by etiquette was killed... is humiliated in sinful...
wanders somewhere... the Love, as Spring curly...
excites our blood... is giving wings of eternity...

Escapes in a trace... see the light... in a hysterics...
is hurrying restlessly... being consoled with a haste...
like severe granite...  just is disappearing windy...
in a heart keeps the jealousy... is washing by honesty...

The game of words...  is the sarafan loud radio...
disappears the bliss... in holes ice-abyss as abuse...
torn off from a heart... pleases by a gentle heat...
opens a gate... by whirlwind of passed pleasure...

On the closed doors... is a short curve label:
by etiquette was killed... humiliated in sinful...
Wanders somewhere... love, like curly spring...
excites our blood... giving wings from eternity...

Escapes in a trace... see the light... in hysterics...
is hurrying restlessly... consoled with a haste...
Like severe granite... but disappeared by windy...
in a heart kept jealousy... washed by honesty...

Game of words... it's the sarafan loud radio...
in holes of ice abyss... disappears the bliss...
Torn from a heart... with gentle heat pleased...
opened gate... by whirlwind of passed pleasure...

Леди Лучик   26.05.2022 16:08     Заявить о нарушении
I'm moving... in space and time...
with faith?.. by truth?.. or by doubt?..
In a raindrop?.. as a vector of ray?..
hoping for the best... bright rainbow?..

The star goes out?.. if the time is over...
and nowhere... disappears excitement...
A sharp pain?.. and a second of agony...
no much happens... just anatomy...

The body is moveless?.. in free flight ...
release your soul... with swift light...
Flying high... you'll reach the rainbow...
coast of hopes?.. disappears... unmind...

Леди Лучик   09.06.2022 06:57   Заявить о нарушении
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