Legend about Love

When there was no human race,
All Senses came to lovely place.
When Boredom yawned for the seventh time,
Madness offered: Let us hide!
This game… I’d name… Oh, hide and seek!
It comes to my mind at the tick!
Intrigue raised her eyebrows:
-What game? –I lead. My eyes are closed.
You hide. I count up to a million.
Then I look for you. –Yes, it’s brilliant!

Enthusiasm began to dance
With Euphoria, enjoying the chance.
And Happiness jumped so pleased
That Doubt was finally convinced.
But there was someone who declined.
Of course, Apathy didn’t mind.
There was no chance to hide for Truth.
Pride only said: “No, I refuse”.
Cowardice didn’t want to risk.
But others wanted “Hide and seek”.

The count was opened. One, two, three…
Laziness hid in the first tree,
Faith flew up to the sunny heavens,
Then, Envy hid in Triumph’s shadows
(Which climbed up on the highest mountain).
It was a hard concealment finding
For Nobleness. Every place was good
For its friends. Fear hid in the wood.
Then, Beauty dive in the crystal lake,
Made all the lilies there awake.
Voluptuousness – in a wing
Of butterfly. The gust of wind –
For freedom. Egoism, besides,
Found for himself the best of sites.
Falsehood hid in enormous wave –
In fact it was a little cave.
Desire, Passion – in a crater.
Forgetfulness… I can’t remember.
Love couldn’t find a place to go.
It chose, at least, a bush of roses.

…and Million, - loudly said Madness.
Of course, the first to find was Laziness.
Then it heard Faith – it talk to God,
And their voices were too loud.
Desire and Passion shook volcano,
The cavern – that’s where hid Sorrow.
Gift was in young and juicy grass,
Which turns to flowers when times pass.
Then, Egoism hid in a hive,
So bees gathered and then drive
This uninvited guest away.
Then Madness found  Beauty: lake
It went to drink some water to,
Was lake, which Beauty dived into.
While Doubt was sitting near the fence,
Deciding which side is the best.
When Madness found Envy, it
Guessed where Triumph might be.
Falsehood was in a little cave –
In fact it hid in a huge wave.
All Senses soon were found, but one –
Love – that is what nobody found.

The only place was left: rose brakes.
When Madness move apart the branches
It heard a scream, so mournful, loud:
The rose’s thorns scratched eyes of Love.

Since that Love is completely blind
And Madness goes with it and guides.

nov-dec 2009
