Solitude of the bird Of sirin the 15 38

Solitude of the bird Of [sirin] the 15:38 
90 years ago the family Of [nabokovykh] left Russia
[Nabokovy] swam away from their country on the steamship “hope”. To understand the logic of those events is impossible - because of the complete absence of logic during the Civil War. The most devoted patriots left Russia. Such, undoubtedly, were the father of writer, the leader of cadet party Vladimir [Dmitrievich] [Nabokov]. Its son, twenty-year poet, already two years were printed by the name [Sirin].

Steamship “hope” was overfilled by desperation. But young poet yet did not suspect, what limitless melancholy on the native land will envelop it in England. Certainly, England - not Russia, island - not continent. But also in Germany together with the brilliant reckless chess player [Luzhinym] we will feel such abyss of isolation and solitude, with which hardly anything is compared in the Russian literature.

Even in the novel “exploit” it will describe this [uzenkuyu] path, which slides from the Latvian boundary to the native land. In this case - in contrast to the majority of young emigrants, who became Eurasians and who devised itself the fairytale country Russia, which never was nor will be, [Nabokov] was absolutely sensibly evaluated the course of events. When in the postwar years it heard several anti-Soviet anecdotes, it did not ridicule itself, but it twitched: “Humor in the [lakeyskoy]. Lackeys laugh above the gentlemen”.

In 1977 to it by some miracle burst open Bella [Akhmadulina], and it for long with it conversed. Moreover, interview it published “literary newspaper”. This with the fact that not one line [Nabokova] in the USSR was printed. Only at the dawn of reconstruction in the chess periodical “64” suddenly appeared small fragment from “the protection Of [luzhina]”. One my familiar writer then said: “All. Once Of [nabokova] printed, the Soviet regime end”. It proved to be rights.

In no one so is sharply perceived the melancholy of writer on Russia as in the Russian professor on the surname Of [pnin], who teaches Russian literature in the American distant village. The there [noyushchaya] void into breast and resonant palpitation, which shakes entire body - from the sensation of the impossibility of the transfer of Russian speech into the English. And this in the writer, whom English knew from the childhood and wrote in English, if we believe to specialists, then it is free as in Russian. [Nabokov] replaced not only language, it planned and was carried out a project “[Lolita]”, after creating the especially American best-seller, for which it was honored world glory and was forever deprived of chance to the Nobel Prize…

Many are surprised: well, that here such? And Gogol lived in Rome, and Turgenev - in France, and Dostoyevsky - in Germany. Yes, they lived, but in this case they have the native land. There it was possible at any moment to return. And they returned - first is mental, then is actual. But To [nabokovu] and our entire banished intelligentsia to return was and it is cannot, and nowhere - even it is mental. By that of Russia, from which it was necessary to leave, it did not become simple. The Soviet Union for them the native land be in no way could. And this is clearly said in the chrestomathic poem “to Russia”: “Forever I am ready to harbor,/I without the name to live. I am ready,/in order with you and in the sleeps not to converge,/to forego the sleeps of every kind”.

But where already there! All creative sleeps Of [nabokova] - about Russia. Yes even “invitation to the execution”, where the director of prison appears before the [zekom]- agnostic by Cincinnatus first in the Leninist legal frock-coat, then from the stuck [dvornitskoy] Russian [borodishchey], in the essence its especially Russian novel. It is sentenced to death for the fact that it is nonmaterial. Here even not metaphor, not allegory. So it was in the country of the conquered materialism.
Constantine [Kedrov]

