
It all started then
When we met ...
And we hate this day
But treated him as a saint

But the struggle with our love
And continue to suffer to this day
It's still bright and naive - Love
Which we believed in it and urged other

Boy, I love you
I love all the more
And the fact that I struggle --
Gives me the strength to love you more

I thought I had dreamed about
What can love your angelic heart
And I fell in love and took thee,
But I forgot, how old I am

You offended crying
You think about suicide
But I have your suicide
And you have my


You lot do not understand
What I want to say
I want to see a man
But again I see the boy in front of
I have too little time
To wait until you become a man

But I know
What do I deserve
But I'm not worthy
This white happiness for both of us

