
The Darkness & a bouquet of roses,
Lie in a sepulchral dream.
She is on her knees,
Tears streaming down her cheeks.
She is alone with him.
Yes he’s dead and his body is cold,
Yet he remains her loved one.
She cries...cries because he didn't know...
His sight remained dull.
His death was ridiculous.
Slow & Painful.
He looked at life blindly & daft.
Everything happened spontaneously.
He cut his veins quietly.
Surrounded by nothing
But darkness.
Some blood splashed on his lips.
And remained on his hands,
Now he is far away,
In the darkness, in the far haze.
She took a loop and a red rose,
And shouted: “My Love...this is for you...”
Tears ran down her cheeks,
She jumped.
When morning came,
A couple was found in the forest:
A hanged girl & a boy with slashed wrists,
A single note with 3 words
Laid on the dirty ground.
The words were:
“I loved you...”
