Hello Havana!

Welcome, se;or Luciano!
You have attained such a height!
Cuba, hello!
In headlines see below:
"Lucky – Big Boss has arrived!"

Cheer up, se;or Luciano!
Hardships and troubles're behind.
Songs and guitars,
Coffee, chocolate bars –
Get (a) new life starting tonight!

Hello Havana!
Bar “Tropicana”,
Rum and cinzano
Tasting so well!
Hello Havana!
Large welcome banners're
In Luciano's
Ritzy hotel…

Mountains're reflected in water.
Light your cigar! Take your time!
Like in a dream
You will star in the film
(And) screenplays will be your cool life.

Welcome, se;or Luciano!
Now you are standing so high!
Let’s make a bet,
That it’s time to forget
Sleuths of the damned FBI.

Hello Havana!
Bar “Tropicana”,
Rum and cinzano
Tasting so well!
Hello Havana!
Large welcome banners're
In Luciano's
Ritzy hotel…

Hello Havana!
Life in cabanas,
Men breezy manners
Freedom's your belle.
Hello Havana!
Stems of bananas're
In Luciano's
Ritzy hotel…
