Under the boardwalk - The Rolling Stones


Эквиритмичный перевод
композиции «Under the boardwalk»
групп «The Drifters»,  «The Rolling Stones» и т.д…


Если давит солнце
Так, что с крыши капает битум,
А асфальт такой -
Хоть асбест вместо стелек  клади ты, -
Мы под  мостками,
С волной на «ты»,
На махровом полотенце, 
Как на ковре-самолёте летим.

Там, под  мостками
(В тени уютной)
Там, под  мосткам
(Где сверху люди)
Там, под  мостками
(Мы с ней воркуем)
Там, под  мостками
(Любовь мы  крутим)
День деньской,
День деньской.

Ты услышишь из  парка
Весёлый шум карусели,
Ты почуешь, что люди
За «фри» и  «хот-доги» засели,
А под  мостками,
С волной на «ты»,
На махровом полотенце 
Мы, как на ковре-самолёте, летим

Там, под  мостками
(В тени уютной)
Там, под  мосткам
(Где сверху люди)
Там, под  мостками
(Мы с ней воркуем)
Там, под  мостками
(Любовь мы  крутим)
День деньской,
День деньской.


When the sun beats down
and burns the tar up on the roof
And your shoes get so hot
you wish your tired feet were fire proof
Under the boardwalk
down by the sea, yeah
On a blanket with my baby
is where I'll be

(Under the boardwalk)
Out of the sun
(Under the boardwalk)
We'll be having some fun
(Under the boardwalk)
People walking above
(Under the boardwalk)
We were falling in love
(Under the boardwalk, boardwalk)

In the park you'll hear
the happy sound of a carousel
You can almost taste the hot dogs
and french fries they sell
Under the boardwalk
down by the sea, yeah
On a blanket with my baby
is where I'll be

(Under the boardwalk)
Out of the sun
(Under the boardwalk)
We'll be having some fun
(Under the boardwalk)
People walking above
(Under the boardwalk)
We were falling in love
(Under the boardwalk, boardwalk)

Oh, under the boardwalk
down by the sea
On a blanket with my baby
is where I'll be

(Under the boardwalk)
Out of the sun
(Under the boardwalk)
We'll be having some fun
(Under the boardwalk)
People walking above
(Under the boardwalk)
We were falling in love
(Under the boardwalk, boardwalk)
