Dzerzhinsky girls

Dzerzhinsky girls
Vladimir Gerun

There was again July heat,
Blinded the sun, the wind has cleared up,
Cheerful it was time to love,
I in girls again, again fell in love.
Cheerful it was time to love,
I in girls again, again fell in love.

What here figured bodies,
Sculptures - as Egyptian Madonna!
And if went, it bore herself,
And feet gold as columns.
And if went, it bore herself,
And feet gold as columns.

Played muscles, all as on selection
And ringlets were developed by a curly wind
And it seemed to me it is search,
It is impossible to gather them all on light.
And it seemed to me it is search,
It is impossible to gather them all on light.

The wave of all feelings overflowed again,
Played and sparkled all smiles
And here has again come it is time - love,
The soul again sings and thirsts for violins.
And here has again come it is time - love,
The soul again sings and thirsts for violins.

I have met light of these eyes with all the heart,
You smiled tenderly and languidly
And your eye was wonderful and big,
The soul native so it is huge.
And your eye was wonderful and big,
The soul native so it is huge.

To contain it I wanted at the very same time,
They would merge in the big such flight
And even the wind has drooped at this time,
He so dreamt of our flight.
And even the wind has drooped at this time,
He so dreamt of our flight.
