Don t believe

Don't believe the devil
I don't believe his bunk
But the truth is not the same
Without the lies he made up

Don't believe in excess
Success is to give
Don't believe in riches
But you should see where I live
I...I believe in love

(Abstract of God Part II Song,
 Music Group Katmandu, 1991)

Don’t believe glory,
Don’t believe clean hands,
Your fictitious emotions
are empting minds by sain.

Don’t believe assertions,
Don’t believe rage,
Rapid thinking motions
will not approach your aim.

Don’t believe your bosses,
Their words are out of truth,
Promises are losses
will reach you once again.

Don’t believe your trusters,
Don’t try them understand
Shake your thoughts foundations
moving by the gain.

Don’t believe dreamers
Illusions are for them
Idle fancy portions,
running through life’s rain.
