why y smile

I don't know if you've noticed
But I've been watching you
We've been fiends for a while
But out of the corner of my eye
I see how you look
And how you act
And how you smile

We've had some good times together
And I've done some silly things
And I suppose that you have too
But I want that behind us now
I like how you walk
And how you talk
And how you smile

But I don't want to rush you
Without clues, I won't make a move
I don't want to lose our friendship
But I know that I want something more --
To know how you think
And how you feel
And how you smile

My heart skips a beat when I see you
My fantasies dissolve when you appear
I want to hold you in my arms
And to understand everything about you --
Not just why you laugh
Or why you cry
But why you smile

Touchingly, gently, very easily.
Thanks, were pleasant.

Yours faithfully, Nadine!

Надинка Ангеллайт   07.06.2009 12:44     Заявить о нарушении
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