
Conscience.. nowadays it doesn't matter,
Though it's the Thing that makes us better.

Beware lest it's one day lost!
For ever since you'll be a ghost,

A ghost that lives, that sleeps and starves,
But neither feels, nor dreams, nor loves...

It’s good to know, what’s right or wrong.
To find it, takes sometimes too long…

Миша Павлов   30.05.2009 03:02     Заявить о нарушении
Then, be yourself, like in the song:
"Your life depends on what is strong"..
When you feel tired of afraid,
I can't help crying .. it's too late..

Best wishes to you, Michael!

Людмила Остапенко   31.05.2009 02:41   Заявить о нарушении