
«My son, I hear that you listen to me
In front of me you are kneeling.
You are my messenger on this sinful land.
Your home’s path is the road of sufferings.
You must bear the taste of abasement for ever,
To suffer groans of soul and desires of a flesh.
You will go by road of divining light
And will not separate our ways!»

You, whose name don’t deliver in vain,
I’m hearing the voices inside of myself.
I am broken off by thousands of demons
And my soul aspires from you away.
I want to contemplate the  marvels of world
I wish to be immortal through centuries
Let my name will thunder in heavens
We are on the same level and I feel your fear!

And soul aspires away from oppression
Get out the God from me!
And blood in a head beats as a stream:
The God, get out of here!

« To mortal - immortality, to patients the rest.
Thirsting authority - riches and glory.
You will find with me everything that you wish.
But after you will pass all the hell’s seven circles ».

Oh, Serpent Eve, you’re right – I was sinning
I seeked the magnificent pleasures and found.
But all that I created, doesn’t have reputation for vice
I was the butcher to myself and to myself the god.

My guardian angel took care of me forever
Covering me by wings in each approaching danger.
And sometimes I was falling without vital forces
But when I inquired I had recompense

And soul aspires away from oppression
Get out, Devil, from me!
And blood in a head beats as a stream:
The Devil, get out of here!

I’m generation of the nature, her daughters and sons.
And nature will take away her child some day
My time will come - and I will make even with ground
And then  long-awaited immortality I will find!
And before me nobody is powerful
My demons is in my head, my god is inside me,
Only I can add this story
And I will to decide, that in my world religiously!

And soul aspires away from oppression
Flying away from here!
And blood in a head beats as a stream:
My religion inside of me!

