
sadness in eyes
or in a heart
sadness in soul
don't let it be
just let it go

let it go with a rain
or flow in a river
in morning rays of rising sun
or with a scattered winters silver

it is no good
to hold within
a sorrow or a sad
cause world was built without it
no creature would it met

the life's too short
to hold in close
moreover in a deep,
daily routine or inner ghosts
just clean them from a steep

maybe it's hard
and you would say -
that this is common trite
but these words came from souls deep
so don't just push them, right?

the world is quite amazing thing
so is about humans life -
a nature, feelings ... and a love
no sense to pass them by

don't say, that life is bad
it isn't really true,
it's hard and tangled from one side
but and a glory too

throw doubts and problems far away,
and take another view
on world, on life, past hardships though
and all surrounding you


nightingale song,
drip knock of thawing snow,
bright sun,
and feelings strong -
no place for sorrow

Алекс Мос!!!
Спасибо за творчество!!!
Рада знакомству.

Татьяна Сац   21.07.2008 11:15     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо и Вам :). Я рад что мое творчество кому-то приглянулось.

Алекс Мос   21.07.2008 12:39   Заявить о нарушении