Seven Notes

       Well, I've got just seven notes...
       What can I do with my music?
       Can I compose good or worse?
       Can I create something unique?

       "Do" is an opening door,
       "Re" is a ray for the public,
       "Mi" is a mirror of core,
       "Fa" is a fabulous fabric.

       Just seven notes,
       Just seven notes.
       How will I make them up and cross?
       Just seven notes,
       Just seven notes.
       I've got so many ones, of course.

       "Sol" is a solo of soul,
       "La" is my love with no limit,
       "Si" is a seed in the soil,-
       So I have come to the finite.

       I have them all with no choose,
       When I'm with joy or with sorrow.
       Poems will join with the tunes
       Both in a great major morrow.

