No matter

We haven't seen for donkey's years,
What happened to your perfect face?
Is there place for lonely fears
In colourful and heroinic graze.

So old my dreemy pictures came,
So lonely with no comments on the same
Post in LJ,
In place to play.

So, got a family and cozy house?
I see, what then about songs?
Are they still burning in the shyness,
And have you freshened crazy bones.

Ok, indifferent old boy forever,
So happy when you smile,
So many wrinkles caught your eye,
You're beautiful for me whatever,
I loved your soul,
Cause body's just an object to deny.

I'll pray for happiness to live in you,
Don't wanna pure craziness,
My friend, so many centures
I'm still, without doubts, loving you.


I will be praying for the happiness for you,
You are my friend forever, than and now...
Without you...just do not ask me "How?",
You are my crazy always knew...
Best regards, Olga.

Ося Некрасова   01.06.2008 02:20     Заявить о нарушении
Thanx, boys are always crazy, that's why we love'em)))

Дхармасоул   01.06.2008 07:32   Заявить о нарушении
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