
If your soul seems broken and nothing defences
From the bitterest sadness, from frightening cold -
Take this Spanish guitar, put on chords lace of sences,
Gently turning to music all sorrow untold.

Do not take any notice that melody lingers –
Liberate all the feelings to make every string
Be alive when it trembles, revived by your fingers:
Not just love and delight – pain also can sing.

Words sincere and pure, emotions unbound
Interwining, arise from the depth of your heart
To combine perfect rhyme with the clearest sound,
To create from a tragedy magic of art.

Dance on ashes of dream, letting grief and disaster
Quickly fade with the beams of new morning away;
Time it heals but your tunes they heal many times faster,
In the darkest of days – try to smile and play!

April, 2008.
