The children of the daylight die

The children of the daylight die,
They parish in the gutter,
The mommies never run behind -
They totter on the fuddle

And only moon is looking down,
The moon is one who cares
About princess on the ground –
Without crown she lays,
My princess of disgrace.

The world is so beautiful when you are blind,
The world is so beautiful when you’re inspired,
But what should I do now with this fucking stuff,
My eyesight is perfect! And I’m not in love…
I’m not in love, the love is above…

She has committed suicide,
Escaped from molding order,
Preferred to kill herself tonight
But not to go and murder.

In stinky dumps a silly angel
Is looking for his dirty wings
His faith in God is even stranger
Than rotten stuff in all his deeds
And little love to other creeds.

The world is so beautiful when you are blind,
The world is so beautiful when you’re inspired,
But what should I do now with this fucking stuff,
My eyesight is perfect! And I’m not in love…
I’m not in love, the love is above…

Drug-addicts die before the fight
And others buy a pretty villa
The price for death is very high -
It’s still the best pain-killer.

And only moon is looking down-
The moon is one who cares
About slaughter in the town,
About my night-mares…
The moon is one who cares...

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