You never call when I am cold

Cold, cold as snow,
dying and lost,
unforgiven and cursed
To the bottom I go...
Sold, sold and accused
For the parties I had
And my broken bad
That had been overused...
I, I'm so dirty and sad,
Dissapointed so much,
overlooked and untouched,
Only shadow in net...
You... You never call when I am cold,
Meanwhile your voice for me is world!
And now I'm scratching your high fence,
With bleeding fingers going hence...
You... You never call when I am cold!
Meanwhile your voice for me is world...
You could have warmed my frozen heart,
But you forgot me.. so did God...
I, I've crossed many ways,
Just another black cat,
knocked down in the end
Of its beautiful days.
Face.. Nothing but mask
To hide rotten stuff
Of my innards and love
To the questions you ask...
Dumb.. Dumb as the walls
Of my stuffy room,
Here I'm waiting for you
And inventing your voice...

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