
Please, tell me nothing for a while,
Don't spoil charms of silence, pray -
A scent of wonder, so fragile,
May every minute fade away;

What if instead its magic veil
I'll see just bits of broken glass?
Allow yourself a fairy-tale,
Made up by nobody for us.

Please, tell me nothing for a while,
Till dusk keeps closed the gates of day -
Just drink your wine and catch my smile,
For I would like this night to stay

My best illusion... If we fail
And ruin it in passion blind,
Leave me this dream of fairy-tale
About April to remind.

April, 7th, 2008.

It's very pretty and filled with warmth)

Марина Фордвэкс   15.06.2008 16:39     Заявить о нарушении
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