Святая Русь! Максимилиан Волошин. Перевод

This poem was translated by Яни Сит.
The translated text is placed under
the original poem, written by M. Voloshin...
Святая Русь!

Максимилиан Волошин

(1877 - 1932)

Суздаль да Москва, не для тебя ли
По уделам землю собирали,
Да тугую золотом суму?
В сундуках приданое копили,
И тебя невестою растили
В расписном да тесном терему?

Не тебе ли на речных истоках
Плотник-Царь построил дом широко -
Окнами на пять земных морей?
Из невест красой да силой бранной
Не была ль ты самою желанной
Для заморских княжих сыновей?

Но тебе сыздетства были любы -
По лесам глубоких скитов срубы,
По степям кочевья без дорог,
Вольные раздолья да вериги,
Соловьиный посвист да острог.

Быть Царевной ты не захотела -
Уж такое подвернулось дело:
Враг шептал: развей да расточи,
Ты отдай казну свою богатым,
Власть - холопам, силу - супостатам,
Смердам - честь, изменникам - ключи.

Поддалась лихому подговору,
Отдалась разбойнику и вору,
Подожгла посады и хлеба,
Разорила древние жилища,
И пошла поруганной и нищей,
И рабой последнего раба.

Я ль в тебя посмею бросить камень?
Осужу ль страстной и буйный пламень?
В грязь лицом тебе ль не поклонюсь,
След босой ноги благословляя, -
Ты - бездомная, гулящая, хмельная,
Во Христе юродивая Русь!


This poem was translated by Яни Сит .
Полное имя переводчика Янина Ситняковская
Yanina Sitnyakovskaya

The Holy Russia!

Suzdal' and Moscow, is this for you,
In appanages the land collected was,
And tight, stretched, full bags also?
In trunks and chests the dowry was kept,
And were you raised like a Bride -
In painted and crowded tower-chamber?

Is this for you on river sources
The Carpenter-King build house, very wide,
With windows, like five Earth seas?
Was this you the most powerful and strong
From all the Brides in the world
And, also, desireble and unique
........................for overseas suns?

With you from childhood have been in love
The forest's wood for feellind or timber;
And, by the steppes, we saw the camps
.............of nomads without the roads..,
Free of expanses life and chains; -
We heard the nightgale's whistling songs,
And, also, - fish-spears and harpoons...

To be Princess you didn't want at all -
An opportunity had tured up
.....................at the right moment:
And enemies were whispering:
"You squander.., waste, dissipate,
And give all treasuries
..............to rich and wealthy people,
Give power to the poor and toady,
But all the strength and force -
............must be belonged to supostats;
Give keys - to traitors!"

You gave yourself to instigation,
And gave yourself to robber, thief;
You burned all the planting fields of rye..,
You had destroied the ancient dwellings;
And after that - you made yourself
..........the desecrated beggar, mendicant, -
The slave of the last from slaves...

Would I ever try
............to throw a stone in your heart?
Or would I ever judge the turbulent and wild
.............................fire of yours?
In dirt my face? I will worship forever you!
My every step by bare foot is
..........................for your blessing!
You are my homeless
...............and free, loose, intoxicating,
Gog's fool, yurodivy my Russia!
March 31 - 2008
