What is Home? Original version

       What is a home? I don't know.
       Maybe, it's twittering of a sparrow
       Or smell of hands preparing sweets
       Or children's laughter on the street
       Or your reflection in the mirror
       Or winter that begins with snow.
       What is a home? I don't know.

       What is snow? I don't know.
       Maybe, it's frozen dreams of God
       That covered fallen leaves
       And your umbrella under trees
       And honking of the latest geese
       And groan unforgiven soul.
       What is snow? I don't know.

       What is my soul? I don't know.
       Maybe, I'm just imaging me?
       Me, that is flying under cloud
       And calling you without sound
       And winding through the grass around
       And begging to forget the tears.
       What is my soul? I don't know.

November 1995

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