The deepest Trance

Hold your breath, close your eyes.
Now relax, imagine skies.
Focus on my voice and try
To clean your mind from thoughts and frights.
Concentrate on your heartbeat,
Take one breath to ten hits.
Exhale slowly, as you can.
Focus on my voice again.

Check, how warm your fingers are?
Maybe, you are a bit tired?
Do you feel the weight of legs?
Do you feel the warmth in chest?
Are there images on your mind?
Do you see the flares of light,
Color shapes, or black curtain?
Focus on my voice again.

Listen music, listen rhythm
Don’t make haste to fall asleep.
Listen voice, try grope for bass,
Feel the pleasure of relax.
Try to see the melody,
Taste it, feel and listen it.
Sense a concord, feel a grace
Of the deepen state of trance.

Feel the energy inside,
It's imbuing flesh and mind.
Don’t make haste for waking up.
Do you feel restored enough?


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Ольга Малиёва   02.04.2009 22:35     Заявить о нарушении
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