The World we need

Let’s think our life would be better—
We have all conditions to built honest world
How much it will cost, there’s no matter,
We couldn’t defeat without blessing of God

We are tired of feeling disastrous fear
I can’t bear watching your dark frightened eyes
I only request you: “Be patient, my dear,
Right now you’ll be able to see light sunrise!”

There’s no chance for fighter to stay for a dinner.
Don’t think you can save me with questioning “Why?”
My aim self-denying is in battle be winner
To tell old grandparents “Our nation survived!”

The sky became gray. It is raining:
The servants of devil are hunting for us!
But helps us on earth or in the air
Transparent wide wings so we could fly to stars.

These twenty short lines of worldwide serious problems
Are managed to hit our life’s cruel plot.
At last our virtues will destroy widespread troubles,
Then human might say: “We have studied a lot.”
