Перевод Симонова

Wait for me, and I'll be back
Wait, for goodness' sake
Wait, when awful, dully rains,
Bite me like a snake
Wait for me, please, when it snows
When it's cold or hot,
Wait, when even you have not
Got my tender note
Wait for me, when other ones
Ar not waited by
Wait when dies the strongest love
In the whole mankind
Even when my Son and Mom
Believe I'm dead
Even if they start to cry
You don't! only wait
Wait for me, and I'll be back
From this fatal war
Some my friends who did not wait
Would be shocked...No more
They will never understand
How in cruel fire
Holy waiting was the hand
That had saved my life
My surviving...It'll be
Our secret...Good?
Simply you waited for me
As nobody could
