Can t believe...

Can't believe you're so far from me...
Can't believe I can't touch your hand...
Your sweet baby I used to be
'Ll never hold you and 'll never stand...

The stars arround me aren't shine for me...
The moonlight isn't make me smile...
Baby I've got so much to give!..
I'm scared to lose you...I don't know why...

Where are you?..I don't wanna cry!..
You're inside me with every breath...
I'm arround you, I can't be pride...
Can't believe... help me...I 'm afraid...


I used to dream all evenings,
Forgotten by my friends.
The dreams were my healing,
They were my only ends.

But there is no answer
Why dreams have not come true.
I am a lonely dancer
In a dance for two.


Александр Ёж

Александр Сергеевич Ёж   17.03.2009 00:37     Заявить о нарушении
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