Beyond the line

The police is arriving with inscrutable face.
It stands out a mile - with dead earnest in pace.
They`re wide awake - that`s their usual mission -
to read out a sentence and reduce to submission.

It`s all over!
We`re losing our reason:
the destination is a deportation prison.

Our child is pressing himself to his mother with fear,
expecting something inconceivable for his childish perception
and frightening him - what`s happening here? -
something`s going on that`s not quite clear.

Now we`re already beyond the line, where
we have nothing to lose any more; in despair
we`re snatching at each other in a close grip here;
our brains are petrified with a terrible fear.

The traumatized state of mind of the woman,
gone through a cruel violence in her own country,
does not bear it in the long run...
a howl of despair - she is done.

A scream of the child joins the howl of mother:
the child has got the first nervous shock -
what`s farther?

Thousands of children with a heavy shock
within the small land`s borders.
Who agrees to become an executioner
by the cold-blooded orders?

August 2004
