Darkness beyond the bound

Flash of thy flesh
Insanity burns in me
So deeply slashed
Know that you felt for me
Beads of the burnt
Memories call for truth
Seeds of the learnt
No remedies to soothe
My eager pain
Blaming and bleeding me
Eternal rain
Drowning and I can’t flee
Dust of the days
No one to find around
Dusk of the maze
Darkness beyond the bound

Somebody asked me about my poem (the one that starts my page), how the flower can light with wound. Someone even called it 'incorrect'. When I saw your words 'flash of flesh' and 'deeply slashed' I found a comrade.)))
I feel deep pain and loss, reading you verses. After darkness there's always dawn no matter what. But it seems you even like to suffer:'my eager pain'. Yeh, there's something in suffering. Better vision of the world, may be. Deeper sensitivity I would say.

Ольга Ульянкина   07.04.2007 07:19     Заявить о нарушении
Thanks for "comrade" - it's a great word for me. Soviets had perverted it's meaning. Have you ever red Remark's books - there it wasn't just a word.
I don't like pain but it seems like the pain likes me)))
I see the world from the twilight, not from the dark.
Probably it's my nature - to feel deeper, to sence sharper. When the eyes are hurted with the sunlight you just can't see the world the way you did before and after staying in the dusk for so long it's hard to look at the sun with thy weak eyes again. Oh no my eyes are not
too weak the matter is I've looked at the sun too stary, too trustful.
... Do you know that the man who was singing "Don't worry be happy"
had ended up with suidide?
You know I can enjoy the melancholy but it's absolutely not the same as enjoy the pain

Федор Клочков   07.04.2007 08:45   Заявить о нарушении
Hi. I'm familiar with Remark, of course. As for the word 'comrade', the meaning was not actually distorted, just they used the most close one in translation. Of course they would have used Mr/Ms, but it's kind of hard to imagine a Soviet peasant or a worker in the relative surrounding called Mr.
As for the pain, it likes me too. My subconsciousness attracts it. I can't say I like it but when in pain I usually create something as I feel, I hear, I taste everything in a different way, as if just born. And of course darkness or dusk are the most creative times for me.
Sun is not bad, I don't look at it and I don't expect more from it that it can give. Sun is something you don't ask you just take as much as you need and leave for others. But sun is always being on the spot. At night there's it's freedom, starry sky is boundless to roam.
As for the guy('be happy') I didn't know that, but it's not really hard to believe. Lyrics for me is some kind of solution of reality. Whatever pain I feel at the end of the poem it will be gone, if not there will be another one and another...but at the end there will be a couple of words which might help others but may be too late for me.
I'm sure you know what I mean.

Ольга Ульянкина   09.04.2007 09:42   Заявить о нарушении
There things in life which we leave beyond our everydays chattings. Things that are probably more important for us that everything else. Very often lyrics contains these silent cries and ease the pain you feel when noone to be find around to soothe your reducing-to-ashes burning and hopeless deaspair. Why should we laugh when we want to cry? Why should I feel joy when there's no single thing to bring that joy? We are the heaven and we are the hell therefore when one's laughing the other one will cry. There's the balance between all the things and there will NEVER be the HEAVEN FOR EVERYONE. When I was 16 I was much more pure and honest and it only gave me looses and dissapointment 'cause there's the Game we are playing in even when we don't want to play. People created their belief 'cause they don't want to think that all the horrors they see they do they suffer from are made with their own hands.

Федор Клочков   10.04.2007 09:48   Заявить о нарушении
We were all more pure and naive at 16, but I can't say that happier, at least me. Time gives experience, hardships give strength. Though it's not too far from 16, I'm very strong now and free. But of course, you are right we can never be free from ourselves and all the troubles we create by our own hands.
I listened to your song, not really my style, but I liked the music and lyrics. And definitly I adore electric guitar. I also write songs mostly in Engish.

Ольга Ульянкина   10.04.2007 11:31   Заявить о нарушении
I want to know your opinion about this poem, it's not a song though, but the topic really makes me awake, and your balance theory is very true. But sometimes I feel that I'm too much in the opposite side of the balance. Maybe it's suppoused to switch from time to time? When somebody is happy and laughing...in the next room I'm writing about war.

Ольга Ульянкина   10.04.2007 12:40   Заявить о нарушении
'supposed', sorry, misspelled with "u"

Ольга Ульянкина   10.04.2007 12:43   Заявить о нарушении