Burn yourself


When you hear the voice of angels
Drop it from your head
When you see the light of heaven
Try to close your eyes
When you come to paradise
Kill your fucking self
And believe - you only one
Who can resurrect

Burn yourself to be free
Burn yourself and not to be
Burn yourself and come to underworld

Burn yourself to flee in death
Burn yourself to break the fate
Burn yourself – destroy immortal soul

Light just searing hellish monsters
Living in my means
And transmute my lovely freedom
Into holy shit
Live your choice without God
Rely on the death
And you see the simple true -
Light is mask of lie

Burn yourself against the mob
Burn yourself against the god
Burn yourself against the stupid world

Burn yourself - become the torch
Burn yourself with painful scorch
Burn yourself and burn one thousand churches!
