Never play with politics


Mom and Dad:
Good night our sweet child
Honey look, what’s all this?

I am ruling the world mom!

With toys? Sweetie please!

The puppets can’t rule
They are ruled…

Mom, you’re wrong
They are powerful puppets
In the hands of a strong.

Are you the strong one?
Sweet king-child of mine

No parents, strongest
Is always the time

Even though these guys
Now rule the toy world
Time will make puppets
I count of us all

Hey, Tony the Tiger, look…

Daddy! Don't touch!
He's tired as is
He is ridden so much!

Ridden? The tiger?
Impossible man!

Look! See the cowboy?
He rides what he can.

Now there’s an army…
Hold on, what is that?
The guys carry guns
But their boss is a cat!

Yes dad, he owns them
He’s big though not smart

Italian mafia cat
Is he not?

Who is that monster -
He has eyes of a wolf…
What’s his favorite dish?

Well mom, he loves
The free press brought to boil
Eats all big business
And chases with oil

If opponent appears
As free-man he won’t last
Must have something to do
With hyena-man’s past…

And who are the puppies?
They are small, yet so loud
Looking like guys
You’d do better without?

Naah… doesn’t matter
They are on their own
They can’t do that much harm
At most poop on the lawn

One hates the cowboys
Another hates Jews
Third… he’s just nuts
They are nonsense of news.

This one is from Ninja Turtles!
That moron…
What his name?

Shredder dad - clearly German…

And who is that horse
So… well hung if you will

Elementary mother -
That is Big Boy Bill!

Who is this kind
Teddy bear my son?
Was his name Tea?

No mom, Koffee… old gun.

He is honest and fair
Though some say can be bought
One might think he has power
But in fact he does not

So who is the best
Of those puppets of yours?

There are none that are good –
Some are bad, some are worse.

That’s terrific my son!
Just one glitch with the plan
Where are all common people?

Dad… who cares about them?


Welcome! Come in, take a seat, grab a drink
Girls will join us in a moment I think
Let me now welcome you to the toy-summit
Since you all trust me with pleasure to run it.

Gentlemen, we have all gathered today
To talk about problems, that stand in our way
Let’s now proceed– cause that clock just keeps rolling…

I will go first, I am an alcoholic!

Oh what a courage! Though I have to say
You’re mistaken… we are not an AA.
By the problems I meant famine, wars, oil and gas…

Shit, that stuff’s boring… but fine – let’s discuss.

Italian Mafia Cat:
World’s always flourishing
Here and their
I see things are growing -
Just look at my hair!

Hyena Man Fish:
Who are you humoring?
It’s not really yours.

Italian Mafia Cat:
Shoot him…

The bodyguard:
But he pays you off, Mr. Boss.

Gentlemen manners or we might get stuck.
Let us discuss… what’s it called now? Iraq!
We should do something… without a delay
Why did you go to that place anyway?

Their ruler has called my dad names… but that’s minor
First reason is that I am a decider!
Also, word “war” has one syllable… this
Made my choice simple (don’t know how to spell “peace”).

And what a successful, good war we have fought,
Due to my own consultations with God!

Tony the Tiger:
You have received the advice from the One?

Don’t now be stupid man, I gave Him some…

Anyway, point I am trying to make:
I made this world better, colleagues… give or take.
If they only supported me better in press…

Hyena Man Fish:
I have a solution friend – don’t be depressed.

Here just take that, be careful! Don’t touch!
It is radioactive and the power is such
That a few drops will draw your opponent’s last breath,
He will light up the coffin long after his death…

Press will be on me and people will scream,
Nah, I’m afraid that this is but a dream.

Hyena Man Fish:
Press? Nothing easier! Don’t you have guns?
That’s how I deal with the opposite runs…

Yes, but even if I shut them up in my home,
Neighbors will not leave my poor case alone.

Hyena Man Fish:
Nothing simpler – cut trade, and then extradite people,
Start a war with them! They will then quiet a little.

In my jungle my people gave me a green light

It’s because you must be so amazingly bright!
How did you manage to silence the crowd?
Tell me your secret… what’s it all about?

Hyena Man Fish:
It’s an easy equation to hold true my friend:
They don’t care about me, I don’t care about them.

Yo, Tiger, come here, we should follow that clue!

Big Boy Bill:
Don’t flatter yourself man, you already do.

Enter Frau…

Who is the woman? She is kind of hot!

I am here to put Shredder out of his job?

Oh you big slut! Woman, how do you dare?
Screw it, I’ll go… I do not really care -

My dear Hyena-Man-Fish, as we planned
I’ll now work for you since the shit hit the fan
Being honest and modest, too much I can’t ask
Just to rule small oil company… wait, make it gas!

Hyena Man Fish:
That is no problem! Take advisor position,
It will suit you so well on your unselfish mission!
The experience everyone’s saying you lack
Does not matter, relax now and I will “kickback”.

Cowboy (rubbing Frau’s shoulders):
Uuu, you are hot, let me touch your left knee…

You dirty cowboy, take your hands off of me!

Baby, come on now, I know you don’t mind.

Didn’t they teach you in school: Nein means Nein!

First barking puppy:
I cannot stand that the Frau has to suffer!
He is a devil! Can you smell the sulphur?
I saw the two horns on his head lately too!

Second puppy:
Just like about any known to me Jew!

Third puppy:
I will give those two nukes, if the rest don’t agree
To supply all I want to the dear, precious me:
Cash, Jackie Chan, houses, cars, girls with boobies…

Tony the Tiger:
Why Jackie Chan?

Third puppy:
He’s so hot in his movies!

Enter Mr. Bin

Mr. Bin:
Finally, hour of judgment has come:
Everyone pays now for what they have done!
I hate the whole world, most of all Hollywood
Hippi ciaei mother fuckers!

We’re screwed.

Big Boy Billy:
There-there, come on, let’s be rational here
Let’s talk it out, please sit down, have a beer!

Mr. Bin:
If you don’t shut up I will blow you instead…

Big Boy Bill:
Thanks, I’ve got Monica, I am all set.

Why are we fighting each other guys? Screw it
Let’s fight real enemy!

Who’s that?

John Stewart!
It is only his fault, no one thinks I am clever,
Without him I’d be the best president ever!
(cries on Mr. Bin’s shoulder)

Benny, my friend, you don’t know what he does!
Get him for me…

Wow, you learn really fast!

Big Boy Bill:
Anyway, cowboy this will not go through,
Bin has got higher ratings right now than you do.

Mr. Bin:
Don’t call me Benny or I will pull the trigger.

Big Boy Bill:
I am not scared: mine is so much bigger!

Benny come on, let’s be merry and gay!

Yeah, I heard that gay cowboys right now is the way.

Mr. Bin:
Don’t call me gay!
My last warning… be cautious!

Tony the Tiger:
Look he turned red!

Mafia cat:
That must be guilty conscience.

Mr. Bin blows everyone up…
The End!


Why do you cry dad?

They're all dead on the floor!

Don't worry about that,
Where they came from there's more.

While they're climbing the ladder
Of political tower,
For them all means are good
In that struggle for power.

They will jail competition,
Serve poisonous dishes -
It just happens worst men
Are the ones with ambitions.

And having said that
Your proposal is what?

It’s obvious mom -
Just stay home and smoke pot!
