Following a rain

Here I am – I have again come to this midnight station
I have come to these people who didn’t wait for me. To this train
That leaves without me. And I should search my location
But it is so difficult because I’m a man following the rain

I am in searches all my life. The more I search the more I need
But every day I run over the same old ground
I searched in affairs which I did and in book which I read
But when my ideals fall I often ask myself “What have I found”

In my life everything is grey except your photo on a wall
My dear In my life you do not take the last place
But you don’t care about me, my problems, my roads and this all
And in my infinite wanderings I want to see only your face

All my life is constant fight. And this fight I can not win
I always want to go forward. But I never want to stay
I would like to make anew. But I don’t know how to begin
I asked about help. But To tell the truth I never cared about the things they say

Sometimes I try to ask someone “What are we living for?”
But I get answer that I am very young for so complicated question
And I guess that may be we don’t know the score
And I forget myself. I went with you under your suggestion

I wrote my poems. May be they were very awful and very bad
But sometimes they helped me believe in myself and I felt that I could fly
But I don’t want somebody feel so much pain in his head
What about me. I will write. And I will pass through these cry

I felt too many things. Too many things I know. I saw every stone
But I never thought about game that they played
In this world I turned all pages. And sick and tired I stay alone
And here I am – under this light. And I think that I should go away

Nobody goes with me. And no one tell me what they’ve done
You want just to kill me. To shoot at my back. You think that I’m wrong
It is useless. I have to find the power after all show must go on
I’ll top the bill. I’ll overkill but I won’t stop. I’m strong.

Whatever will happen, I will leave it to chance.
You should know that not only for death I was born
I’m aching to be free. Forget all my failed romance
But if you see me strut, remind me of that I’m outlaw and torn

Yes, I’m outlaw and torn have come again to look at this sky
And again to recollect these unhappy days and to feel this pain
To regret because I can’t just go away. And I ask “Why
Why did I choose this road. Road leaving behind a rain"
