Still alive

This time of scary shadows
It's hard to breathe again
Air freezes your heart every time you swallow
But you know you are still alive

No matter that wind blows snow into your face
No matter that you slipp on ice with every step you take
No matter how hard you try you can't find your place
It hurts when you realise that everything around you is fake

...but you are still alive...

This lonely path seems to be unending
But everything must have its end
Someday you'll see the sorrow fading
It would be a mistake now to lose your faith are still alive...

No matter what you see in front of you
There's always a way out
No matter that bad things make you blue
Your strenght will make you be proud

And the sweetes day will come
This path will lead you to a place where you belong
Will you trust in good things happening?
Will you let yourself believe again?
