When I return

After high school my life must go on:
So many places to see…
When I return to the place I was born
Who I will be?
Can I become successful and strong?
Can I be proud of myself?
A way to success is sometimes very long
It needs to be paid by my health
It needs to be paid by worries and pain
Are you really ready for that?
It’s easier to spend your lifetime in vain
Easier, but really sad
When I return to the people I knew
When I was a schoolgirl
Will I be changed by the things I’ve gone thru?
Will I be different at all?

Unfortunate or fortunate that might be, still remains unknown. However, people always change, as they have to develop themselves and their qualities further constantly - that's a life process; and, in case they don't want to make any changes, however important they might be for them, life itself will change such people and their attitude, sometimes inevitably...

I'm so sorry if I made you think that I was sounding like a teacher. Nothing such - it's just my thoughts about life in general...

Best wishes!


Елена Агата   15.05.2009 08:16     Заявить о нарушении
Thank you for such a deep response! I think that I would agree with you. I would like to add to your words only one thing: any changes are fortunate because anything that happens – happens to the best! I believe in it! Our life is what we believe in…

Best of all,
Mirra L

Мирра Л -Английский   18.05.2009 01:29   Заявить о нарушении