I m nothing without you

Let’s just sit beside me and hear
And please don’t stop my speech
I want say only: “My dear”
You should know that only you are my rich

When I look at you I see a chasm where I fall
And I’m ready to die for your eyes
I want to tell you that you are for me all
Please believe me it’s not lies

You are the sun in my grey life
Trust I seek and I found in you
But my love cuts me like a knife
And I can’t mind for a different view

You are for ever in my heart and in my soul
And when I see you again
I’ll forget all and I lose my control
But now I feel this grief and this pain

You are breaking my heart
Only about you I think in dark night
And I ask you “Don’t depart”
Only you I want see in this light

I want to touch your hair
To embrace you and not release ever
You don’t know but I breath you like air
Oh my dear I want to be with you forever

I want to take your hand
I want look into your eyes and enjoy
I want to go away with you in fairy tales land
But between us stays a wall and I can’t it destroy

I should for a long time it to say
But I’m afraid that I for you don’t need
I feel that you go away
I understand it and for my love I bleed

“My sun” is the only word I know that suits your well
You are in all my best dreams
Yes, this words I ever not to tell
Why? I think that my time went away. To me it seems

I told all you and now I will wait your verdict.
Don’t judge me strictly. I just strongly love you
I think that I know you decision. It isn’t difficult to predict
But know I love you so how can only few.
