S. L

I’m not alive. It’s not your fault.
My life was dead, my dreams were cold.
I’m far away from you tonight
All of my pains I’ve left behind.
My stupid life had got no sense
To live? To die? There’s no difference.
I’m lost in shadows of the night
The flame went out, that burnt inside.

Stop searching me – I won’t be there
And plz stop acting like you care.
Don’t look for me – I’m not alive.
Forgive that I could not survive.
My love for you will never die
It stay alive, and I don’t lie.
It’s good for me, I don’t deceive.
Believe, I never liked to live…

Don’t cry for me, try to forget
Make smile yourself and don’t regret
Don’t think it’s gone, just say *it was*
And I will be forever yours.
