
 Заключен уж контракт.
 Компания «Фрисёрве» прочна.
 Прислали диск,
 Пакет бумаг.
 Инструкций кучка непорочных.
 Всё, изучив,
 Воткнулся в net.
 Не сразу.
 Пару дней угрохал.
 Крючочки. Кнопочки. Окей.
 Приехал мастер,
 До изучив, врубился
 В сеть.
 По монитору пляска сайтов.
 Как интересно.
 Сутки прочь.
 Сверкает солнышко.
 Поспать бы.
 Глянул на экран.
 Ну что же,
 Нет там интернета.
 И так. И сяк. И так. И сяк.
 В сети инета, где ты?
 Снимаю телефон.
 Это серьёзно. Дяди. Тёти.
 Пошёл на почту.
 - Вы нам должны. Сто десять, точно...!
 More connections. More pbs
 Your account and bill number LW 5887 6572 LOO4JVE
 HA2 OQF 63712
 1 December 2003
 If you have a query please see reverse for our contact details.
 BT Together Option 1
 BUI for 020 8422 3478
 Total now due
 110.28 BT Together Option 1
 Please make sure we receive the total now due by 8 December 2003
 This bill is for calls made between 20 November 2003 and 30 November 2003 f and is sent to you because you have exceeded your agreed level for call charges before discount of 50.00
 BT is a member of Otelo, the Telecommunications Ombudsman. Tel: 0845 0501614 (local rate),
 - the 6p hour plan
 Your benefits include:
 • UK calls 6p for up to an hour per call
 at Evenings and Weekends
 (lp per minute afterwards)
 • UK calls 3p per minute during the
 - Discounted international calls
 • 5% discount on calls made
 to mobile phones
 For more information see BT Update enclosed with this bill. Exclusions apply. See Terms and Conditions
 Cashier's stamp and initials
 • You can find details of how to pay overleaf.
 1 If appropriate, fill in the details on this payment slip.
 • Please don't send cash by post.
 • Please quote 'Your account number' below on correspondence or remittance advices.
 Your account number LW58876572
 bank giro credit
 Total now due
 LNo, cheque - J Fee
 8944 0151 5887 6572 0041 2008
 HSBC Bank pic
 Head Office Collection Account
 Please do not fold, pin or staple this slip; or write below this line.
 03 LW 58876572 L004
 3LW58876572L004 447662+ 73
 V* A# * *
 1 December 2003
 Your account and bill number LW 5887 6572 L004VE
 Your phone number 020 8422 3478
 Summary and detail
 This is your combined bill summary and detail. Calls are summarised by each number called. The main totals are listed together for easy reference in the summary tables.
 Bill totals Cost of chills 93.86
 Llt , Your benefits 0.66
 This is a summary of your main bill totals, •
 together with where to find information of VAT 16.42
 total" 110.28
 see below seepages 3 to 4 seepage 4
 Cost of calls
 These are the totals for all your calk.
 These totals take account of your reduced call rates.
 Type of call Total number Total Total
 of calls duration cost
 Daytime 4 00:16:34 0.440 calk in next table
 To a mobile 2 CM3:00:46 0.084 calk in next table
 Premium rate 15 01:09:57 81.318 calk in next table
 National rate 1 00:08:16 0.528 calk in next table
 Lo-call 33 21:07:16 11.495 calk in next table
 This is your call detail. See the Phone Book or com/Pricing for definitions of type of call.
 118 services are available from various suppliers. BT is responsible for 118500, 118707,118505 and 118404.
 Queries relating to other services should be addressed directly to the service provider in question.
 Date/period Destination Called number Total number of calk Total duration Type of call Total cost
 20 Nov-22 Nov Premium Rate 09063 023456 2 00:09:11 Premium 3.899
 22 Nov Mobile Phone 07941 339741 2 00:00:46 Mobile 0.084
 25 Nov London 020 7403 9599 2 00:06:46 Daytime 0.190
 25 Nov-26 Nov Local Rate 0845 0796699 1 02:19:48 Lo-call 1.463
 25 Nov-26 Nov Local Rate 0845 7560000 13 00:52:14 Lo-call 0.862
 26 Nov London 020 7627 0799 2 00:09:48 Daytime 0.250
 26 Nov Nat Rate 0870 8720099 1 00:08:16 Nat rate 0.528
 28 Nov Premium Rate 0909 9671167 1 00:13:20 Premium 17.003
 28 Nov Premium Rate 0909 9672854 2 00:17:03 Premium 21.760
 28 Nov-29 Nov Premium Rate 0909 9672853 4 00:12:17 Premium 15.637
 28 Nov-30 Nov Local Rate 0845 6091351 13 17:55:14 Lo-call 9.170
 29 Nov Premium Rate 0909 0240389 4 00:04:48 Premium 6.075
 29 Nov Premium Rate 0909 0240594 1 00:01:43 Premium 2.178
 30 Nov Premium Rate 0909 0274320 1 00:11:35 Premium 14.766
 Total 93.865
 Your benefits
 page 3 of 4
 Ну, как всегда.
 Не счесть!
 Их обучают высшим классом.
 Наука менеджмента им
 Как украсть указом.
 Что я могу,
 Супротив... Пофиг супостату.
 Ведь в академиях
 При них:
 Отлично скроят хазу,
 Я объяснял им
 Не звонил!!
 Да не звонил же

 И интернетом не звонил.
 Я первый раз за монитором!

 Та где там,
 Денежки давай!

 Урчат, урчат, урчат

 Занозой требуют

