In the abyss

I saw a dream:

A muddy flood of water of terrible power,
rapid, boundless and deep,
washes all flesh, far and near,
down into a fathomless pit.
I`m striving to stay on the float,
the while
that muddy, frightful monster
is sucking the weakest ones
in the abyss.

I`m carried along by the current,
at enormous speed,
closer and closer to the awful pit.

And now, at the mercy of the wild current,
I`m stooping down into the pitch dark...
of the pit of hell......................

and...I suddenly appear on
the surface of an ocean covered with ice.
I look around - there is only white ice within sight.
There is not a soul.
The dead silence is in the air.

The real:

My family`s asylum procedure is closed.
We are thrown on the pavement.
At the mercy of boundless despair
we fall into the pitch dark of depression.

October 2004
