Butterfly planet

Once upon a time a BUTTERFLY planet
Was given to me as a birthday present.
My planet was a beautiful welcoming world,
Its summer was mild and winter wasn't cold.

Many tourists had come to visit its nature.
Some left it clean, some were just creatures.
Some were astonished by BUTTERFLY's beauty,
Some couldn't even fulfil their duty.

Planet was innocent like a butterfly smell.
Spirit of freshness had filled every cell.
Don't step on its tenderness with muddy boots!
Please dont mercilessly cut its love roots.

Era of a butterfly lasts only a day.
Death may take life, but beauty will stay.
Invisible wounds will be covered by time,
Eternal love wings will forever be mine.

(June, 2006)

Прикольно! Мне понравилось...
Красиво и образно.
С ритмом, правда, было тяжеловато.
Пишите еще, Ольга, у вас здОрово получается!

С уважением,

Человек Которого Нет   05.07.2006 15:01     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо! Рада знакомству с Вами! Всегда рада Вам на своей страничке. С уважением, Ольга

Ольга Озден   12.07.2006 01:19   Заявить о нарушении