London is...


London is Queen and the crown,
London's The Tower Bridge,
London... go up, go down.
It is so poor and rich.

London is full of black people,
It is my dream and my zest,
London: drink Guinness and sip ale,
London is one of the best.

London is cult of good manners,
London - museums and ships,
London will capture and scan us,
London - Thames taste on the lips.

London - dark dungeons and castles,
London - the centre of isles,
You'd have well-trained and strong muscles,
Walking on foot miles and miles.

London is ancient and modern,
London's the bowl of charm,
Red-clothed beef-eater, a warden
Near the Gates is so calm.

I part with London for some time,
And coming back pretty soon,
I'll write a poem with good rhyme,
Or draw a funny cartoon.

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