Between tides

There is a moment in the scheme of things,
a movement in the pendulum of seas
when gravity seems poised upon the edge
of an ellipse, held hostage
between infinite abyss and tidal impetus,
hinging on moon's silver horns, dilemma epitomised -
a momentary hiatus that precedes the subtle quantum shift
when day tilts headlong into night,
stars' eyes blink, then open wide,
the poet sinks in reverie,
the drunkard stalks obscure desire,
the solitary walker lingers, wistful beneath fading skies,
sensing pulses quicken, cranes anticipating flight…

немного необычные сочетания, очень интересный подход!

Алёна Поротикова   17.05.2008 18:47     Заявить о нарушении