My darling

You see how the ocean is raging,
drowning sea-gulls` cries in the air;
how the heavy wave in despair
is throwing itself upon the coastal rocks,
breaking up into the myriad of small drops
and splashing you with spray of sorrow.

Can you feel a lyrical tune
in a melody of the storm in the air?
The melody is overfilled
with resentment and despair.

Here you come to me my lady.
You put your hand upon my shoulder,
looking into my eyes with tender passion,
calming deep in my mind the broken water.
Darling - you are my island in the ocean!

We have passed together a long road,
have shared all tears, joy and load
of care during our course of life;
have pacified a power of storms
with might of our love,
my dear wife,
my darling,
my tender-hearted dove.

November 2004
