The dreamer, the fool

… and you custom yourself to living astray.
Corner by corner. The village, the city, the world.
Bone by bone. Table. Hand. Garbage.
Alert asleep. Edged by day. Bacchic by night.
The hermit of the ruck. Never prayed, never sinned.
Groomed as often as kicked. Loved as often as not.
For the dreamer you are… for the fool you are deemed…

… and your splendor fronts first of you..
Page by page you learn to live, teaching others.
Book by book, you read, divide, conquer.
Enough for yourself, you content others.
Echoing grandly pleasures internal out,
You set your route forth. In marriage. In good. In death.
For the dreamer you never were… for the fool you never became…
