The season turns

As crimson lanterns,
strung beside the river,
drench and darken
in autumnal rain,
I recall a sunny wedding
yesterday - two red balloons
eloped like lovers in Chagall,
rose above the steeple spire,
floating weightless
into afternoon.

Cloud pulls down
a violet hood,
glass glints
with particles of stars,
summer's sickly odour,
sodden, rotting blossom,
lingers on.

Electric blue, a gash of sky
reveals a scimitar new moon,
brilliantly clear and strange,
to mark the season's change.

Your poetry is very beautiful and full of air. Good luck to you.
Where are you from. With love from Moscow.

Елена Малиевская Обухова   09.06.2006 21:03     Заявить о нарушении
How lovely to receive such a compliment! Thank you so much!

Sending you greetings from sunny Australia,

Jena Woodhouse   10.06.2006 14:23   Заявить о нарушении
It's a pity that Australia is so far from Russia, but still we are all live on a small planet. I've been in Great Britan twice. Who knows may be in future I'll visit your beautiful country with exotic animals and very nice people. I've read some books by Dimphna Cusac and a lot of stories about Australia. Good luck to you.

Елена Малиевская Обухова   10.06.2006 17:15   Заявить о нарушении