
The day was hot and the air felt sticky and wet when mr.yamamoto reached his new-bought mansion named sortiment-park. it was rather calm and peaceful place. mr.yamamoto was extremely grateful for being here because hes's really fed up with things at home and also he felt miserably and even depressed: his wife was missing as a result of a terrifying quake which changed his life forever. so everything seemed calm at the first sight but after some hours of walking through the fabulous park with green trees, old-fashioned statues and beautiful flowerbedsit occured to him that everything around was strangely quiet: no insects hissing, no rustling of leaves, no usual telephone ringing or gurgling of capuccino machines. suddenly everything became dark. mr.yamamoto desided that it was a result of three cups of capuccino which was drunk in the morning. but it was a mistake. the giant blazing sphere appeared up ahead in the distance. mr.yamamoto gasped in amazement, his legs started trembling and he thought that he would faint with dizzines. then he lost consiousness. when he opened his eyes he was laying on the large floral printed sofa surrounded by small fluffy creatures with sharp claws and huge jaws. they were wearing exotic horned helmets, velvet dungarees and very high-heeled sling-back shoes made of lether. they looked scary but rather funny. an idea struck mr.yamamoto that they were aliens. and then he was really sturtled to hear his wife's voice warning him not to disturb mysterious creatures and begging to take a sip of hot coffe from her thermos flask. suddenly the fluffy creatures in helmets started rash actions and started circling around. mr.yamamoto and his wife. mr.yamamoto was thrilled and and he worried that effects of this trauma would disturb him untill his death. one of creatures jumped on mr.yamamoto and tore him into peaces - at that moment he was shaken awake by a telephone ringing in the pocket of his loose-fiting navy jeans. he found himself sitting in his car... he understood that he fell asleep because of being sick and extremely tired and everything he saw was just a dream

Фрагмент про "they tore him into peaces" мне особенно понравился))Кста, если Римма до сюда(как пишется "досюда"??) доберется, она ниччччего не поймет))Казачка, слабо в том же духе по испански/немецки/французски)??

Заяшникова Алена   14.05.2006 09:22     Заявить о нарушении
о ну на французском и я могу: же мапелле лизи же набит паз а ром ма шамбре э гранд э клер

Елизавета Легкобытова   30.05.2006 13:43   Заявить о нарушении
Mais bien sur, ma chere amie! je peux ecrire beucoup d`information passionante en francais, muchas palabras da toda nuestra vida en espanol! Ich liebe dich, meine liebe Freundine. Nemezkeschka ist gut!

Кира Вертоградова   16.10.2006 01:44   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.