So long!

Characters of an unfinished drama,
Unrehearsed, a premiere every night,
Playing ourselves, and Eve, and Adam,
Suffering, frustration, and delight.
No makeup, no footlight, no prompter,
Nobody tells us if we're wrong.
Gracious Lord is our director. -
Let us an encore, and then - so long!

Вольный перевод c русского по просьбе неизвестного автора. :-)

Оригинал - здесь:

hm-m...I didn't catch the rhyme: prompter-director. Are you sure you didn't spell smth wrong?
sinc, em

Аннет Эм   02.04.2006 21:21     Заявить о нарушении
You are right. There meant to be no rhyme “prompter-director”, Neither “drama-Adam” is a good one. Both are rather weak consonances. This is quite acceptable in contemporary English verse-writing, especially if the quatrains are finished with ‘stabilising strong rhymes or consonances. Thanks a lot for your comment.

Геннадий Казакевич   03.04.2006 04:19   Заявить о нарушении