Lost forever

Every step I take brings so much pain
My uncried tears are reflected by rain
I never thought someone could break my heart
But I knew you were not for me from the start

I took the risk and it wasn't my time to win
But it seems I can't let you go
Still loving you is my life's cruel spin
But you are the one I still look for

My greatest fear came true
I've lost you without really having you
The way in front of me is so hollow
It is so long and full of sorrow

I am again alone and lost
On my way so long and bitter
To survive in fatal pain I was forced
And every memory of you makes it sweeter

This path seems to be unending
Why can't I see the light?
I must again so much pretending
Must leave safe side and as always fight

I try to find my way back home
But I feel I am so damn blinded
I try to find my way...but where was I from?
On you my life just ended

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