The Twilight Song

My soul is broken with all lies,
My heart is crazy beating gong.
I listen for the wind that cries
My love devoted mourning song.

How could I listen to his heart?
How could I trust to every beat?
But he’s just gone, just turned apart.
His voice, his lies were fairy sweet.

I don’t believe in future days,
That everything would be alright,
When all can get and no one pays –
I have to pay for that blind night…

I don’t want to create my life
On paper sheets with my black pen,
Where pencil is my killing knife
And misted demon is my man.

I want to live like shooting star
So bright, so magic and so bold,
But through the moment can’t fly far
We can’t return what we have told.

By now my soul is twilight song
Which burns in hot red-blooded Sun.
I know my song can’t go wrong
Through I don’t know what I have sung…

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